The Netherlands

From 1 October 2024, recall notices and DHPCs will be distributed by e-mail as much as possible. In the past, marketing authorisation holders send these risk communications by post to healthcare professionals in special “Orange Hand” envelopes (for recall and urgent or critical DHPC) or “White Hand” envelopes (for the other DHPCs). From October, these will be sent by email.

Recall notices will continue to include the Orange Hand icon in the email and attached PDF. This ensures that this information is easily identifiable by the recipient, and is not considered advertising.

Next to this, the IGJ will also publish all recall messages on their website.

Additional risk minimisation materials will continue to be sent by post in a “White Hand” envelope, also after 1 October 2024. Healthcare professionals are asked to register their email address. Healthcare professionals whose email address is unknown, will still receive the message by post.


Kwaliteitsdefecten melden en recalls | Geneesmiddelen | Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (

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