As part of Regulation (EU) 2022/123, an EU platform has been realised to prevent, monitor, and manage any medicine shortages across the EU of centrally authorised medicines. The European Shortages Monitoring Platform (ESMP) has the purpose to facilitate information exchange for better prevention, identification and management of shortages, as well as improved communication between EMA, national competent authorities and industry stakeholders to ensure medicine availability for patients during public health emergencies and major events.
The ESMP will also facilitate access to publicly available information on shortages of individual medicines. This information can currently be found in the EMA’s shortages catalogue and the national shortages catalogues (can be found here).
The first version of the ESMP has been released since the end of November and can be used from now on. Please note that the use of this platform will be mandatory from the 2nd of February 2025 onwards for centrally authorised medicines.
European Shortages Monitoring Platform enables better monitoring of shortages in the EU | European Medicines Agency (EMA)