
La Division de la Pharmacie et des Médicaments de la Direction de la Santé (DPM) has published updated instructions for the distribution of DHPC (version 3.0 – 06/2024) and aRMM (version 4.0 – 06/2024) in Luxembourg.

A change in the updated version is the addition of the requirement for redistribution of materials after three years.

In addition, you may know that only an overview of marketed medicines was available via CNS. DPM has now published an overview of all registered medicines, so all medicines holding a marketing authorisation in Luxembourg. In this overview, all registered products can be found, together with the MA number, country of origin, delivery mode, ATC-code and MAH.


Informations pour détenteurs d’AMM – Portail Santé – Luxembourg (

Médicaments à usage humain – Portail Santé – Luxembourg (

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