Medicines, Medical Devices, Cosmetics, Food Supplements

Your one-stop-shop solution in pharma & healthcare

Everything in One Place

Your Personalized  Pharmacy

What are you looking for?

Are you into…

Outsourcing ?

You can entrust all QA, RA, PV and Medical related responsibilities for your Pharma & Healthcare business in Benelux to IN2Pharma. We act as RP or QP to the authorities as required and ensure compliance in the respective area of expertise.


Seeking advice ?

If you need specific advice on a topic in one of our domains, you can benefit from our
expertise and experience on an ad hoc basis.

Getting the project done ?

Workload too high?  Absent colleagues? Need for a back-up?  Our dynamic and well-trained consultants get the work done for you!  Whether it is short or long term, at your site or from our offices in Kampenhout.

WHAT ARE OUR areas of expertise?

We are into …

Regulatory Affairs

We can support you in obtaining and maintaining Marketing Authorizations for medicinal products, medical devices, cosmetics and food supplements.

Publicity & Compliance

We support you in ensuring compliance of the promotional materials for your medicinal and healthcare products and of the promotional activities you sponsor or organize. 


At IN2Pharma, we offer a wide range of vigilance services. We can help your company to comply with the legal obligations for pharmacovigilance, materiovigilance, cosmetovigilance and a food safety plan for food (supplements).

Medical writing & training

IN2Pharma can provide you with a full range of medical support. We write or review scientific and medical reports, we create and present medical training courses.

Quality Assurance

We are specialized in the good distribution practices (GDP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) (importation and batch release) and have an extensive knowledge of the applicable local legislation.


We are NOT just another consultant

Who We Are

We are … in2pharma !

Regulatory Intelligence

and … we are into sharing !

Use of German in food supplements

Use of German in food supplements

Belgium For companies that sell food supplements in one of Belgium's nine German-speaking municipalities, there has been a positive development on the file regarding the use of German. Minister Clarinval has decided to extend the tolerance period for derogations in...

read more

Our Past & Current Customers can tell you even more!


+32 16 891 600


Hof Ter Loonst
Terloonststraat 22
1910 Kampenhout


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