According to the financing law of FAMHP, a declaration of the number of packages of medicines sold on the Belgian market must be submitted annually to define the yearly contributions.
Up to now, every marketing authorization holder and wholesaler of medicines (with the exception of homeopathic medicines) must submit a declaration at the latest by April 30, 2020 of the number of packages (including free samples) that were put on the Belgian market in 2019.
To make registration and processing of the declarations easier, the declarations are to be made via web application as from 2020 and are no longer accepted by e-mail or post. FAMHP is developing and testing this web application and plans to launch it on June 25, 2020.
Every entity subject to contributions will receive an e-mail or letter wit login information and instructions.
FAMHP requests that you no longer submit declarations by e-mail or post.
The new final submission date for the declaration is August 31, 2020.