
Most important is the increase of hospitality that can be provided to healthcare professionals. The maximum amount for a lunch will be increased to 45€, for a dinner to 90€. A total maximum of 135€/day may be offered as hospitality to HCPs in the context of at least 6h of scientific program. If the scientific program lasts less than 6h, maximum 23€ of hospitality per full hour of science can be offered. Please note that these amounts are all inclusive (drinks, VAT, room rental,…).

Mdeon has also updated his Code of Ethics, in which a distinction is made between physical, virtual and hybrid scientific events.

Thirdly, the fees for submitting a visa application will be decreased. The amount depends on the type of visa and if you are a member of or not!

Source: Dec-22-Mdeon-news-EN.pdf

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