The Netherlands

Medicinal Product Quality Defects and Shortages on the Dutch Market should be reported through the “Meldpunt geneesmiddelentekorten en -defecten”.

As of 01 January 2022, the Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) and the Inspectorate (IGJ) have implemented changes to this webportal for reporting medicines shortages and defects, with the goal to make it safer and more user-friendly.

The most important changes are:

  • Only authorised users can submit a notification.
  • An overview of all submitted notification is visible after logging in.
  • An existing notification can be copied and used as a basis for a new one.

The old form is available until Friday 11 March 2022, 17:00. Until that date, ‘old’ notifications which have not yet been submitted can be completed/verified. ‘Old’ notifications that have not been submitted by that time will expire.

A guideline to gain access to the new webportal can be found here.


Verbeteringen meldproces en meldformulier vanaf nu beschikbaar | Nieuwsbericht | College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (–defecten

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