IML, the association of the innovative pharmaceutical industry in Luxembourg has revised and updated their Code of Ethics. The proposed amendments will be submitted for approval at the General Assembly to be held on 17 April 2023.
Here below you can find a summary of the most important proposed changes to the Code.
- It is planned to increase the maximum amounts for lunch to 50 EUR and for dinner to 100 EUR.
- Whereas it was always accepted to provide a limited number of medical samples, no numerical limit was set. As of adoption of the proposed Code, prescribers will be able to receive a maximum of 8 samples per medicinal product per year. This limit will be binding for Member Companies.
- Another change is the disclosure of transfers of value towards Patient Organisations. Member Companies will have to disclose a list of all Patient Organisations they have supported on their website. This list shall also include a description of the nature of the support or services provided.