
Since September 22, 2022, a law was published that put into force that companies who don’t use German text on food supplement packs, can be sanctioned. The compulsory use of German for selling in the German-speaking community immediately entered into force. Thanks to several lobby actions, the sector obtained a tolerance period until December 31, 2024. From January 1, 2025, the packaging needs to be in accordance with this legislation.

The legislation states that the language on the label of a food supplement must correspond to the language of the community where the product is sold, in other words:

– Bilingual (French/Dutch) in the Brussels region

– Dutch in Flanders

– French in Wallonia (except in the German-speaking community)

– German in the German-speaking community (Kelmis, Eupen, Lontzen, Raeren, Bütgenbach, Bülllingen, Amel, Sankt-Vith and Burg-Reulland.)

Since it is practically difficult to exclude the (small) German-speaking part, a tri-lingual pack is recommended.

Important note: Only the mandatory information must be stated in German.

The FAVV confirmed that they will not impose fines until December 31, 2024.

We therefore advise you to bring your packaging into conformity with legislation. If some non-compliant products are still in the points of sale after 31 December 2024, you can, based on the efforts you made to get you in line with the legislation, show your goodwill to FAVV and/or be sanctioned.

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