Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council has been revised by the European Commission (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2018/1497). This regulation lists the food additives that are authorized to be used in food supplements and categorizes them according to the food supplements to which they may be added:

  • Subcategory 17.1: Food supplements supplied in a solid form including capsules and tablets and similar forms, excluding chewable forms
  • Subcategory 17.2: Food supplements supplied in a liquid form
  • Subcategory 17.3: Food supplements supplied in a syrup-type or chewable form

After discussions with Member States, it was found that food subcategory 17.3 often led to misinterpretation. As a result, it was decided that syrup- and chewable-forms should be categorized as liquid and solid forms, respectively.

So, the food subcategories have been renamed as follows:

  • Subcategory 17.1: Food supplements supplied in a solid form, excluding food supplements for infants and young children
  • Subcategory 17.2: Food supplements supplied in a liquid form, excluding food supplements for infants and young children

As a result of the deletion of food subcategory 17.3 food additives’ entries which were included in that food subcategory should be transferred to either food subcategory 17.1 or 17.2 to ensure that there is transparency and legal certainty regarding the use of food additives in those foods.

Furthermore, it was decided to introduction section should be included for each food category clarifying that the maximum (use) level for the food additives refer to the food supplements as ready for consumption.

This amendment will clarify the questions that remained regarding authorized additives for use in food supplements.

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