The new Belgian Company Code, which concerns companies and associations, and which came into force on 1 May 2019, refers to only 4 corporate forms. This will have implications for some authorisations and registrations in the sense that holders thereof are now required to amend their documents.
The private limited liability company (BVBA– SPRL) and cooperative limited liability company (CVBASCRL) are among the corporate forms that have been abolished, having now been restyled as private company (besloten vennootschap – bv or société à responsabilité limitée – SRL) and cooperative company (coöperatieve vennootschap – cv or société coopérative – SC), respectively. The holder of a marketing authorisation (MA) for a medicinal product is stated in the medicine’s product information. This means that MA holders are now required to amend their documents. The holders of other authorisations and registrations are required to do the same.
When your ‘old’ corporate form holds licenses (WDA, MIA) or MA, you have to transfer these to your ‘new’ corporate form.