The Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) published a new financing law in the Official Gazette (Staatsblad/Moniteur Belge).  This new financing law is effective as from 5 April 2018.

The intention of this new financing law is to better align the costs associated with FAMHP services with their funding and to avoid unnecessary costs, without a negative effect on the quality of the protection of public health.

The impact in a nutshell:

  • An increase of the contributions for the pharmaceutical industry.
  • A general tendency of decrease of the fees.
  • A general tendency of increase of the collective contributions.

This new law might have a considerable impact on budget planning.

All information on this new financing law can be found on the website of the FAMHP. However, most information is only available in Dutch and French:

In Dutch
In French
In English

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