Switzerland and EU
Switzerland has updated its legal regime on food supplements (FS) resulting in a better alignment with the food regulations applicable in the European Union (EU). These new rules facilitate marketing of FS originating from EU member states in Switzerland and vice versa. As a consequence, drastic changes to the products are no longer needed and authorization procedures have become less complicated. In addition, the Swiss orders on food labeling and claims and the use of food additives have been revised. These are now almost fully in agreement with EU regulations.
FS legislation in EU did not reach full harmonization between all member states. For example, each EU member has set its own maximum levels for nutrients and has its own rules on the use of botanical preparations and other substances. As a result, Switzerland also maintained its own maximum levels for vitamins and minerals. These, however, are in line with the EU trend.
One of the major benefits of targeting the Swiss market is the absence of the obligation to register or notify FS. Together with the fact that the new legislation is now more or less in line with EU regulations, it makes commercialization in Switzerland very attractive as it is not accompanied by additional notification burdens or costs. However, verification of compliance of a FS’s composition and labeling remains necessary when introducing the FS onto the Swiss versus EU market.
More information can be found here.