In light of the Falsified Medicines Directive, that came into effect on 9th February 2019, FAMHP has issued practical guidelines for the handling of complications during the initial phase of the new verification system.
FAMHP and BeMVO have worked out an “alert”-procedure for when an issue arises during the scanning of a product. These guidelines describe the actions that need to be taken when an alert occurs. It is to be expected that numerous alerts and errors will pop up during the first weeks of operation of this new verification system without evidence of a falsified product. Therefore, FAMHP has decided to introduce a transition period until 30th April 2019, during which the guidelines of circular letter 644 should be followed.
During this transition period, even though alerts occur during scanning, the pharmacist will still be allowed to deliver the product, provided that several requirements are met. These requirements are described in circular letter 644.
More information can be found here.