Medical devices – turnover declaration

Medical devices – turnover declaration

Belgium As from the start of 2023, a new system for funding market surveillance of medical devices by FAMHP applies. Unlike before, this will no longer be limited to the sale of medical devices to retailers and end users.  All actors that carry out an activity...
Amendment to the GMH Code as of 1 January 2022: cooperation Transparency Register

FAMHP: Update of Web Portal applications

Belgium In anticipation of the European regulations on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices, the FAMHP has updated the “My company” and “My activities” applications in its web portal. The main changes are: The addition of risk classes from...

Healthcare Transparency Register concept law

The Netherlands  On 30 April 2019, the concept text for the Healthcare Transparency Register law was presented for consultation. With this concept law, the obligation for suppliers of medicines and medical devices to report financial relationships with healthcare...